Big Shoota

Bommer Fusleage

Spent some time today on the bommer. Got the interior ribbing done. Took a long time and was tedious work to make sure everything went together right the first time. Here are the templates/parts initially cut put.

The ribs were made from the same templatw and I wasn’t too worried about them being absolutely, perfectly, exactly the same…

I then sliced a wedge shape out of the middle. I’m not detailing the interior so I wasn’t interested in leaving a large inside space and I angled it to be wider at the top to make room for recessing the pilot and adding the top turret gunner. The piece on top of the left and right rib stacks will be glued on the front edge of the floor/top structure to add some rigidity. It will also be where the nose gets glued onto the fuselage of the plane. I’m leaving it off until I can add the superstructure for the wings and tripod mount – easier access.

I then used a Dremel to cut slots in the top and bottom supports The depth of the cut determined the angle so cutting them all the same made it easy to align all the rib sections when I was ready. Here’s the glued together interior frame from the front…

The rear…

The underside.

And a Barry shot.

I need to change out the crappy CFL bulb that came with my new angle lamp – color correcting these pics absolutely suck! Taking the Barry shot made me realize how big this thing really is – it’s gonna be pretty huge! Oh well.



