Big Shoota

A Pair of Skullhamma Battle Fortresses

Started the work on the pair of Skullhammas tonight. Figured I’d get the armaments done first, then I can just slap plates and rivets and call it good. I spent about 20 minutes sifting through 4 big buckets of parts and came across these parts.

Super Tanks!
Super Tanks!

I just new I’d have a use for these some day.The square bits are the packs some brands of disposable contact lenses come in – yes I kept a lot of the foil seals from them too. They will make great realistic metal plates and thin bent metals! The caps are from the automated shower cleaner bottles. Yep,  I scavenged those too. It’s easy to collect these kinds of things and just throw them into a box and leave’em til ya need’em. The repetition in these kinds of things is what lends an air or function to using them in scratchbuild/kitbashes. Industrial Light and Magic uses the same techniques when making thier models for movies.

I decided to knock out the twin linked big shootas on sponsons as they contain the most fiddly bits.

Twin Linked Big Shoota assemblies
Twin Linked Big Shoota assemblies
Twin Linked Big Shoota assemblies
Twin Linked Big Shoota assemblies
Twin Linked Big Shoota assemblies
For placement only

Last picture shows the half finished sponsons poster tacked to the tanks. All I need to do to finish them up is some plates ib the back and side and some angle iron over the edges with rivets and I’ll call-em done. Oh yeah, a little hatch for the top of each! The little well where the contact rested make perfect hatch circles – neat!

btw – don’t expect these to be super detailed like the other work I produce, I’m purposely moving fast on these as I won’t have time otherwise to finish all of the models I need to by the beginning of October and I’ll probably only use them once or twice a year.




