Tag: deff arsenal
More Blasta Bommer Work – Gunna Get It Dome Someday!
So I’m back in the saddle for a time, we’ll see how long it goes 😉 I’ve actually been working on and off on this monster for about three weeks and the only thing I’ve accomplished has been the metallic weathering. I know, not much to weathering, right? Egggad, I wish. For anyone who saw…
Slow Work on Ork Blasta Bomma
Just proving I’m not sittin’ on my haunches this break… Blocking out the metals by going over them with Badab black first – always base your metals with black, there’s a very good and scientific/optical reason why they look better that way. If you’re curious, let me know and I’ll do a tutorial! 😉 This…
Dakkajet Pilots and Blasta Bommer Paint
Wrapped up the pilots for each of my three dakkajets last night, presented here 🙂 And he doesn’t look too bad nestled in the cockpit. Just need to finish the widscreen and base it. In other news, the blasta bomma, “Moar Dakka!!!” is no longer black and appropriately fasta! And a “Barry” shot for scale,…
Tail section completed
Put some time in on the bommer this week. Spent three hours doing rivets on the tail before doing the final attachment. With this in place, it’s time to finish the tail section, blend in the tail wing and start finishing off the detailing. This marks the finish of the base shaping. I’ll need to…
Progress on Blasta Bommer
Small spurts of progress, doesn’t look like much but wrapping plastic around a fuselage with compound curves is tough! I’ve got more of the transition between body and tail. It needs multiple layers of pcard to get it where I need it so I can put a proppa plating on it for skinning. It’s still…
Big Meks Give You Wings!
Howdy folks! I’ve been putzing all week on the wings of the bommer but nothing worth posting. Would be pretty boring seeing one tiny thing each day… “Put hoses on today” “Put the engine brackets on today” “Put panels down but no rivets yet…” So I figured I’d save them up to show you something…
Gun Port Hatches Finished
A little bit finished tonight. If I keep this up It might be done by 2013! Worked on the side gun hatches last night and tonight. Not much but something. 🙂 Later!
Moar Gunz!!!!!!!
OK, I did it, I added more guns. Wasn’t sure how I was going to finish off the chin so I decided to add more dakka! Too much? Naw… And Thanks to Harkon Greywolf for his patented lascannon barrel conversion – looted with pride! So now I get to finish off the plating on the…
Deff Arsenal Finished
Finished the Deff Arsenal. Pics. It may look a little sparse yet but don’t worry, all “plain” areas will receive due treatment before it’s over. I’ll do some of the plating around the nose and do whatever it is I decide to do with the chin (not sure yet – maybe more guns…) Then I’ll…
Can ya say More Deff Arsenal?
More Deff Arsenal work today. Not 100% there but close. Got the nose guns and rokkets finished, now working on filling in the sides with various armaments. Just pics, not a lot of words. Dakka dakka dakka. Later!