Tag: scratchbuilt
Fuselage complete, tail gunner done.
Got some time last night and forced my self to do what I’ve been putting off for while, the final paneling of the tail section. Because of the amount of compound curves I was at a loss as to how to do it so it looked “proppa” but not too ramshackle as I’ve already established…
Best Ork Project of the Week: Paperclips Orky Warship
I’m going to start a new feature through my social media outlets. Both has an experiment and a personal record of interests and such. Each week I’m going to try an post something interesting about one of four subjects of interest. Warhammer 40K (and the hobby), beer, web design and development and/or trivia. It also…
Back on the Squig
Well, getting back on the squig after three weeks off. For those who care, this is where I went… Trip to Seattle and Alaska Cruise I would do it again in a heartbeat! Back to the real reason everyone is here, orks and pictures! Spent a little time last night putting the rivets on the…