Got some time last night and forced my self to do what I’ve been putting off for while, the final paneling of the tail section. Because of the amount of compound curves I was at a loss as to how to do it so it looked “proppa” but not too ramshackle as I’ve already established a certain aesthetic with the front half of the fuselage. I pretty much just started cutting, heating and bending plastic until it fit and glued them in place calling it good.
And starboard.
Here’s the finishing on the tailgunner station. I was going in one direction with how to integrate this but through a lucky accident, came up with this solution.
Here’s the bottom side where the back hatch is. This is a bit messy, I agree. I’m torn with spending a lot more time making it smoother or sitting back and using the excuse that “no one will ever see it (much) so screw it.” I will do a snazzy hatch cover with glyphs but not sure about the rest.
Now I get to do real fun stuff with detailing the fuselage and rivets -woohoo! For reference, it took me three hours to rivet the tail alone. Thankfully there’s a fully stocked bar on the other side of my hobby space!