Big Shoota

Big Old Mixed Bag Today

Sheeze, three days back on the bench and it shows me what for… Did something today I haven’t done in nearly 20 years – drove an exacto deep into my finger. One of those stupid things where two seconds before it happens you’re thinking… “YA know, if that slips it’s gonna go deep and hurt a lot…” SLIP! And in the 1/10th of a second it takes to go in and come back out, you’re already thinking, “Yep, that’s gonna bleed like a sonofabitch. Probably hurt too.” Well, it did both. Pre-drilling pilot holes in gun barrels with the exacto to make sure it’s nice and centered. The hole was a little off so I tried to push the blade to the side to correct and WHOOP… off the precariously balanced barrel tip and deep into my finger.

Welcome back to the bench! 🙂

Oh well, direct pressure and three band-aides later I’m ok. Typing is a little awkward but I’ll handle. So if I’m making a post like this that means there’s updates and pics. I’ve got both for ya all. It’s amazing how much you can fit on a workbench when there isn’t a Thunderhawk on it! There are four main projects I’m working on, all of them are green of a sort but not all are orks. First up is a kit my wife wanted me to make and paint for her. From Moebius it’s the Bride of Frankenstein 1/8 scale model kit. This is a great model, well done. Also my first large format model with human(oid) figures. I’ve assembled, cleaned, puttied, sanded and primed the sub assemblies. Here’s where it’s at with all the parts in place. It’s about 10″ across and 9″ high.

Bride of Frankenstein

He’s green, right? Yeah, that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. I’ve brought the blasta bommer back out and staged it so I can think about things while I’m working on other things. Working on my new dakka jet (below) I came up with some solutions that will allow me to move forward with this beasty. I’m starting to feel excited by this project again instead of the creative block I’ve had for some time.

Blast bomma ork flyer

This will segue nicely into the next portion of the new Red Jack Air Farce. I needed to create two rokkit paks for my new stormboyz mob as I sacrificed a number of important parts bashing my Wazzdakka model last year against Uberdark. Here’s the new packs made from the bitz box scraps and some styrene tubing and channel.

Ork stormboyz

This leads to the expansion of the original new-model stormboyz squad I started about a year and a half ago. I’ve added 10 more to the squadron and assembled a dakkajet today to go with’em.


So, this should give me (when completed) and aerial force of 1 blasta bomma, 1 dakkajet, 2 fighta bommas and two 20 strong stormboyz squad, 1 lead by a PK nob and the other by Zagstruk. There are four toy plane fighter bommas and some grot egg-plane fightas in the long range plans but nothing to show yet…

And for my last bit of green project…. (I’m bracing for screams of “traitor!….”)

IMperial Guard

Yes, they will be green. I’ll be starting small alliance force if ‘umie. I’ve already got a skyshield landing pad and a bastion. I’ll be adding just the standerd HQ Command Squad and two regular troop slots to start. Yes, I plan to add more, probably in the 7-9K points range when I’m all done so I can add super heavy tanks and the like. Expect lots of tanks 🙂
