Category: Imperial Guard
Ork Superheavy Blasta Bomma Brought Out of Mothballs!
So I sliced my finger good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) the other day. It’s still thumping sore but works gotta go on, right? Here’s the cut… Doesn’t look like much in the photo at left, a small cut. What you can’t see very well in the photo is the deep…
Bride and Imperial Guard Testing
Progress! Did some work on the Bride and IG trooper tonight. You can’t see it from the photo but I airbrushed a coating of Bleached Bone over the entire gown, then do a white zenithal highlight from the top to let the Bleached Bone be my shadowing. It’s very subtle so nearly impossible to see…
Big Old Mixed Bag Today
Sheeze, three days back on the bench and it shows me what for… Did something today I haven’t done in nearly 20 years – drove an exacto deep into my finger. One of those stupid things where two seconds before it happens you’re thinking… “YA know, if that slips it’s gonna go deep and hurt…