Worked on the metallics today. I remembered a long time ago, Tamiya made a Gun Metal Blue that was really good looking for gun barrels. I figured I’d try to duplicate that on the many, many barrels these dakkajets have.
The base metal color is a 70/30 Boltgun Metal/ Abbadon Black (I miss Chaos Black). I find starting at Boltgun doesn’t give me the depth I want in my metallics so I darken it down to start.
I then washed just he gun barrels in Asuraman Blue Wash (form the semi-old line)
A “wet” brushing of Boltgun to start the highlighting process. Wet brushing is similar to dry brushing but he brush is wet and the paint is thinned. It tends to eliminate the chalkiness that can happen from too dry a paint. I followed this with a wet brushing of with Chainmail (I’ve got quite a few old pots sitting around).
A generous coating of Nuln Oil.
Followed by a wet brushing of Mithril Silver.
Leaving me with a rich, blu-ish (hard to tell from the photos though, it’s metallics) with a layer of dirty grim and bright highlights. The highlights will be knocked down with the Testors Dulcote sealer. Here’s a close up side by side for each of the above steps.
I think I’ll be starting the individualization of each plane next. Specific patterns and markings to more easily differentiate them and give each a little more character.