Tag: painting
Dakka, Dakka, Dakka!!!
Worked on the metallics today. I remembered a long time ago, Tamiya made a Gun Metal Blue that was really good looking for gun barrels. I figured I’d try to duplicate that on the many, many barrels these dakkajets have. The base metal color is a 70/30 Boltgun Metal/ Abbadon Black (I miss Chaos Black).…
Dakkajets getting new paint!
Need to slowly work back up to speed. I missed my workbench! These are three dakkajets I purchased and built for the local Apoc back in January, haven’t touched anything since then. I wanted to start painting the blasta bomma but I’m using these three fellas as a test bed since most of the paint…
Ork Superheavy Blasta Bomma Brought Out of Mothballs!
So I sliced my finger good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) the other day. It’s still thumping sore but works gotta go on, right? Here’s the cut… Doesn’t look like much in the photo at left, a small cut. What you can’t see very well in the photo is the deep…
These boots are made for stompin’
Slow progressd on the stormboyz, but progress none the less. I decided since I was using these to waste time until we move into the new house (which we got – probably another 30+ days before move in) I was going to use these to test and push myself. I want to try using a…
Stormboyz get some new clothes.
Selling a house (selling it well, anyway) is hard work! Whew! Anyone know of anyone in the central Minnesota area in need of a nice 5 bedroom rambler with a lot of party space? Anyway, I still have some painting I can do while everything else is packed. A neat bonus is if I finish…
Well. just about everything in the house is packed and it’s all staged and ready for showing at any time. Let’s hope it sells sooner rather than later! I was smart enough to leave myself something to do if I got a chance. Ten stormboyz and two mekboyz are all I’ve got to work on…
Red Paint and Checks
I’m back from vacation and work has slowly restarted on Red Jack’s Battlewagon. As I wrote in my blog yesterday, the battlewagon’s in it’s awkward stage where it’s paint job looks too clean and parts are unpainted and it may be tough to envision what the end product will look like. That’s alright, I know…
Deff Rolla Rocks!
Deff rolla rocks. I’ve actually taken photos during each step of the finishing of the roller. The plates started off with with a primer black base. For the first two layers I used a wet version of dry brushing. The brush was wet and paint had been thinned down as normal, only I brushed the…
Weathering the Battlewagon
Spent some quality time with the wagon tonight and finally got some dirt on it. I finished up some of the smaller details and little things I’ve been agonizing over (hate it when I do that – they’re jut little things…). I made up a pot of magic wash with black and did an entire…
Painting Progress on Battlewagon
Made some progress this weekend on Red Jack’s sweet new ride. Did some detail painting, adding some graffiti stuff and started painting the Kill Kannon. I’m at an impasse though. I don’t know what I should paint the main barrel. Black? Red? Steel? The reason I’m waffling is I will be writing something along the…