Tag: ork battlewagon
Dakka, Dakka, Dakka!!!
Worked on the metallics today. I remembered a long time ago, Tamiya made a Gun Metal Blue that was really good looking for gun barrels. I figured I’d try to duplicate that on the many, many barrels these dakkajets have. The base metal color is a 70/30 Boltgun Metal/ Abbadon Black (I miss Chaos Black).…
Bommer nearly complete!
2,400+ rivets, and a couple hundred more left to do. Wrapped up the tail section underside and all of the secondary plating and riveting. About 4 hours worth. Here’s where the beastie stands. THe only things left to do is the canopy: and the underside of the main wings with the clusters of bombs. Nearly…
Ork Blasta Bommer – Main Construction Done
Tiny update tonight. Model-wise I did the bridge of the nose and glued it to the rest of the fuselage. Dat’s about it. I spent the rest of the time cleaning up my work area and sorting through bits for details for the wings, cockpit and engines. That means the main body and shape is…
Runtherder and Battlewagon Krew
Ok, quick update – I’m not dead, just really busy. Did manage in the last three weeks to wrap up the crew for the stock battlewagon and started the runtherder for the grot mob I did a while back. The runtherder is a really nice model with lots of detail and character, much like the…
Stock GW Battlewagon Update
Thanks Doc! The grass is a bit green – it’s GW’s flock so tends to be a bit bright. I can live with it. Things have been a bit on the slow side for me in the hobby world as Real Life has gotten very, very busy as of late. I’ve got some very exciting…
Red Paint and Checks
I’m back from vacation and work has slowly restarted on Red Jack’s Battlewagon. As I wrote in my blog yesterday, the battlewagon’s in it’s awkward stage where it’s paint job looks too clean and parts are unpainted and it may be tough to envision what the end product will look like. That’s alright, I know…
Ork Battlewagon Complete
Well, 5 months, 114 uploaded photos, at least three pots each of Scab Red, Red Gore, Blood Red, Boltgun Metal and 5 pots of Chaos Black later, I’m calling it finished. After looking at the boyz last joyride I noticed the hydraulic arms on the roller looked a little weedy so I wrapped them in…
Deff Rolla Rocks!
Deff rolla rocks. I’ve actually taken photos during each step of the finishing of the roller. The plates started off with with a primer black base. For the first two layers I used a wet version of dry brushing. The brush was wet and paint had been thinned down as normal, only I brushed the…
Deff Rolla Fix and a Reward
Ok, remember that deff rolla that went south on me a couple months back? Well, I finally forced myself to fix it. I had to as it’s nearly the only thing left to finish! As you can see above, on top of supergluing the plates in place, I’ve screwed them down as well. Inelegant as…
Weathering the Battlewagon
Spent some quality time with the wagon tonight and finally got some dirt on it. I finished up some of the smaller details and little things I’ve been agonizing over (hate it when I do that – they’re jut little things…). I made up a pot of magic wash with black and did an entire…