Big Shoota

Stock GW Battlewagon Update

Thanks Doc! The grass is a bit green – it’s GW’s flock so tends to be a bit bright. I can live with it.

Things have been a bit on the slow side for me in the hobby world as Real Life has gotten very, very busy as of late. I’ve got some very exciting things going on and want to take two lines to let you know about them.

One: My wife, along with another coworker, is buying the advertising agency we’ve both worked for for over 10 years. The owner is ready to retire and we’re taking over. That means a lot of time spent doing other things like buying a business! Makes me feel a bit old and all “responsible” like. Weird, I guess I’ve always considered my self as I have when I was 15 years old.

Two: I’m organizing/hosting a Warhammer40K Pub Tournament in the vein of  The Kalm Before the Waaagh! in Huntsville, Alabama. As much as I’d like to just waltz on down there and partake, it probably wont happen so I’m hosting my own in central Minnesota. I’ve been in touch with Da Reddaneks who run the Kalm and they’ve been extremely helpful and encouraging and they’re a bunch of great guys. It doesn’t happen until June of 2011 but there’s a lot to get ready.

So – short term, we’re buying a business – long term, I’m organizing a 30 person bar tournament. Doesn’t leave much for modeling but that doesn’t mean I won’t be doing any…

I decided after the Apoc units I’d finish off the stock GW battlewagon I was working on. I’ve gone back over the metals and finished off the tracks and wheels. Not hugely different but it is another step towards completion. On to the pics!

Games Workshop Ork Battlewagon
Stock GW Battlewagon
Games Workshop Ork Battlewagon
Stock GW Battlewagon
Games Workshop Ork Battlewagon
Stock GW Battlewagon
Games Workshop Ork Battlewagon
Stock GW Battlewagon

I do have a 5K Apocalypse battle to get prepared for (15,000 per side) so I’m not completely out of the gaming side either, just not as much as usual. And, as promised, I’ll be doing the full on End of the Year Army Shot next week over Thanksgiving weekend so that should be fun as well.




