Big Shoota

Ork Battlewagon Complete

Well, 5 months, 114 uploaded photos, at least three pots each of Scab Red, Red Gore, Blood Red, Boltgun Metal and 5 pots of Chaos Black later, I’m calling it finished.

After looking at the boyz last joyride I noticed the hydraulic arms on the roller looked a little weedy so I wrapped them in rusty barbed wire and now they look a little more menacing. I finished the “monacle” (hehe) and glued down the grot rigger salvaged from my ex-Looted Russ.

Although I’ve called it finished for now (I have a tournament in two weeks and it fits my loadout now) I do have plans for a few more add-ons such as a reinforced ram that looks like two giant Squiggoth tusks protruding out of either side where the roller attaches. I might actually make the ‘ard case someday and I will make bolt on rokkits as well. Gotta love the magnets!

Looking around at comparable sized models I’m almost thinking this thing could be the size of a Baneblade. I\’m still waiting to see one in person to make a comparison. If it is, I’ll make this a Skullhamma variant and start work on the other tank models I picked up earlier this year to make more wagons/battlewagons until the official kit comes out next year.

And now, the quick and dirty finishing shots.



